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Better Living For Seniors

Pinellas Chapter

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       Recipient Gift Name Entry

                      Open to Submit Names October 1, 2024

 Silver Santas works with organizations that serve low income isolated seniors such assisted living communities, HUD communities and professional guardian/caregivers) to identify gift bag recipients.  Currently participating Providers are listed on the dropdown box below. Gift recipient name submissions will start  October 1, 2023 and run through October 25, 2024.  

If your Provider Name is not already on the dropdown list below you must register to participate CLICK Here , you will be contacted, and if we have capacity we will add you to the list to submit names. 

For more information, questions, or comments about the Silver Santas program, email


BLS does not promote or vouch for the services provided by any of its members.  Members wishing to do business with one another are strongly encouraged to do their own public records searches and background screenings before entering into any business relationship.  BLS accepts no liability for any information identified from those searches/screenings or any claims arising from any verbal or written agreements members may engage in with one another.

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