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Better Living For Seniors

Pinellas Chapter

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Benefits of Membership

Make the Most of your BLS Membership

Business Networking

  • Potential Referrals

  • Access to concentrated marketing groups

  • Fulfillment of giving back to the community & to seniors

  • Commonality of purpose and passion in serving seniors

  • Camaraderie and support

  • Potential friendships

  • Additional community involvement, exposure & opportunities

Access to Information & Resources

  • A membership card which would identify you as a member at BLS events

  • Quarterly consortium meetings at no cost

  • Participation on BLS committees

  • Chomp n Chat meetings at no cost

  • Professional Education 

  • Committees

  • Job Bank/Professionals in Transition

  • Membership List Directory

Member Highlights

  • Placement of your events on the BLS networking events calendar

  • BLS email blasts of events/opportunities/invitations

  • BLS Bugle - newsletter of BLS

  • Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Member changes & announcements may be included in The Bugle

  • Opportunities to be selected for Member Spotlight, Consortium Sponsor, Hosting BLS events


BLS does not promote or vouch for the services provided by any of its members.  Members wishing to do business with one another are strongly encouraged to do their own public records searches and background screenings before entering into any business relationship.  BLS accepts no liability for any information identified from those searches/screenings or any claims arising from any verbal or written agreements members may engage in with one another.

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